Tuesday, December 15, 2009

100 Hives in 365 Days

I am very much a dreamer . I day dream constantly . Yet , that is not to say that I don't actually strive for accomplishment . Call me a motivated dreamer . Goals were meant to be accomplished. So here is my goal as I set it today . 100 hives in 365 days . I will obtain, through no dollar amount , at least 100 hives of bees through trap-outs, cut-outs , swarms and splits. You may think that this is alot , You may think it is not . I happen to think that it is quit low. However, that's the beauty of a goal. I find the challenge may lie more in the documentation of said events as they play out. SSSooooooo if your out there and your interested ..., Fellow beekeepers or non beekeepers alike . Welcome to my interest . 100 hives in 365 days.

1 comment:

  1. I think 100 in 365 days should be pretty easily attainable goal for you.I was at a seminar this fall where we listened to a fellow named Mel Disselkohn speak about making 16 splits out of one hive in a year while at the same time keeping mites at manageable levels.Very interesting approach and he outlines it all for free at his websight www.mdasplitter.com
    I plan to use his system to increase my 5 hives to 40 or more.
    Good luck to you.I will be following along to see how it works out
